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Play Swiss Lotto online

Playing the worlds lotteries is now accessible to all! You want to take part in one or multiple draws of the Swiss Lotto organised by Lottery Romande? Thanks to our online service, you can, in just a few clicks, order from our team some tickets to take part in the next draw or your choice, only it doesn’t take any more than just few minutes, regardless of your country of residence!

In the Swiss Lotto there are jackpots that go up to 35 800 000 CHF (the record in 2010) with two draws a week, and for a handful of euros per ticket played. Whatever your mode of play (alone, in a group or even by subscription), our teams will all be ready to respond to your needs! Below you will discover how to play the Swiss national lottery straight from you couch!

  • Cochez vos numérosTo begin, click one of the play online links on this page to get yourself onto the form where you can play. Then you choose your numbers, the number of tickets and the mode of play that is the most appealing to you! If you haven’t already, you will be asked to create an online account in order to fill in the information necessary in case of a win!
  • Des agents se rendent aux points de venteOnce your information has been given, all that is left is that you await confirmation that our team has bought the ticket or tickets of your game of choice. Once this step has been done, we send you a scanned copy of your ticket and we keep the original ticket in a secure location!
  • Vous recevez une copie scannée de vos ticketsThe entire process is completely secure and we have already redistributed winnings, the most recent being in the region of 30 million dollars in the American lottery! The possibilities of play are infinite, and our experience in this field, as well as our reliability, is unquestionable! Whatever the sum of your winnings, you will receive them directly to your online account, where they will be withdrawn with the proper authorities if they go into the millions!
  • Vos gains sont directement crédités sur votre compte en ligneIf you ever manage to win one of the higher rank prizes, you will be accompanied by our teams in the steps required to collect your winnings, which means you will have to take a flight to Switzerland to obtain your winning sum from the Lottery Romande! Even to this day, every winner has been able to collect their money, why not you?

Finally, if you wish to learn more about the workings of our service, you can find everything you need to know in the informative video below, good luck in winning your millions!

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